Thursday, July 26, 2007

Things are getting hectic...

Well it is only 3 weeks until I go to England and I haven't even started to think about what it is that I am going to take with me. Mum keeps telling me to pack light as we will probably buy heaps of stuff while we are away and she wants to make sure that we have plenty of room to bring it all home.

I still have to go out and buy new clothes as I don't have anything that fits me that will be suitable because I have gone from a size 14-16 down to a size 10-12. Luckily my Mum and I are about the same size now so I think I will be pinching a few of her things to wear.

I have so much that I need to get ready, arrrrgggghhhh am I going to have the time to do it all. I will certainly try.

Take care,

Monday, July 23, 2007

Christina Aguilera Concert

Well what an awesome show that was, I wasn't a huge fan but I certainly am now. This little lady is so sophisticated and has such a presence when she walks out on stage and omg what a voice she has.

It was more than just a concert it was a whole stage production with dancers and a jazz band, backup singers a huge set and heaps of props.

Reminiscent of Moulin Rouge and very raunchy, this is one sexy lady.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Disaster hit over the weekend....

After a great night out at the Christina Aguilera Concert I came home on Sunday morning only to find that my forum had lost all of it's date from July.

The hosts of the forum website were upgrading there server and in the middle of it they had a hard drive crash and when they tried to load the backup all of the information was corrupt so as a result many many hours of hard work was lost.

Well you could imagine how upset I was, going from 51 members when I left right back to 21 members, I thought my world had collapsed. A little dramatic I know but I was really tired and wasn't really in the mood to reconstruct everything.

I am slowly getting there though and things are getting back to normal with some of my members starting to return.

So if anyone is reading my blog, please go and rejoin and help support a friend.

After all I have built this site for the many friends that I have made already through other forums and places that I have visited.

Hope it all comes back together soon.


Friday, July 13, 2007

Almost 50...

I'm so excited as Scrap Chat almost has 50 members. I think that we are doing so well and I hope that we keep on growing into the forum that I envisage it being. So come on over and take a look around and if you like what you see then pop in and say hi. Don't be the one missing out on the fun.

I will be looking into running our first Mini Cybercrop soon with some great prizes in store.

So hope to see you all there.


Finally, she's having her operation...

Today my sister is finally having her operation. For those of you who don't know, my sister is trying to have a baby with her new man and is having trouble. She has a layer of skin that has grown over the entrance to her cervix and this is preventing from falling pregnant. So today, she is having an operation to unblock it.

So everyone keep there fingers crossed that I could become an Auntie in the not to distant future. I so want to be a Auntie and for my mother to be a Grandmother.

Infertility effects so many!!!

UPDATE: Well she had her operation and that went fine but now she needs to have another operation as she has blocked tubes. Argh, I don't think that I will ever be an Auntie.

Hugs Gypsy

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Meeting Mary was great...

Meeting Mary was so good, her kids are just adorable and even though we are not really related I feel like I've just become an Auntie. Her husband is nothing like I imagined but a great guy all the same. I hope they come to visit again soon or maybe I can go to visit them.


Monday, July 9, 2007

I've been tagged!!!

I've been tagged, by Chelle!

Here's the deal:
1-post these rules
2-each person tagged must post 8 random (... hopefully interesting) facts about themselves
3-tags should write a blogpost of these facts
4- at the end of the post 8 more bloggers are tagged and named
5-go to their blog and leave a comment telling them they're tagged

Here are my 8 random facts...

1. My absolute favourite show is Grey's Anatomy.

2. I have one sister who is younger than me called Julie.

3. I never owned a bicycle as a kid.

4. I was picked on in High School because I was the tiniest.

5. I thrive on making new friends.

6. I was made in England and had free passage to Australia.

7. I returned to England when I was 12 with my Dad but haven't been back since.

8. I drove a manual car right up til I was 40 and then thought bugger it, I'm taking the easy way from now on and bought an automatic.

There you go, there's 8 random facts about me!

1. Crazymumm
2. Miss Cropalot
3. Kata
4. Cropinmad
4. LissyK
5. nwolfe
6. nmpomeroy
7. Kebab
8. Webgod


Sunday, July 8, 2007

Very Exciting Day...

Today I finally get to meet my new friend Mary and her family who have emmigrated from England, very brave move I thought as they have no family or friends here.

I meet her on the internet through researching my family tree, she actually has the same maiden name as me. Mary was very helpful when I was having trouble finding details of my Grandfather's birth in Scotland.

She has been in Australia for only about 3 weeks and this will be the very first time I meet her. I have spoken to her on the phone a few times and we seem to get on very well.

Well I'll go now and finish tidying my house in preparation for my guest.


Saturday, July 7, 2007

Exploding Box

Here is an exploding box that I made for a swap over at SM. I had so much fun making this, I think everyone should try one.

1 week old

Well Scrapchat has been going for 1 week now and I really don't think that it is doing to badly. We have 27 members and growing.

It has been a lot of hard work and effort but I think in the long run it will be worth it to have a place that like minded scrappers can come to and have a certain freedom of speech.

So hope to see everyone there soon.

Happy Scrapping

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Not much happening at all....

I went and had coffee with a friend today and dragged poor Jess along, she was bored out of her brain especially when my friend Kel wanted to go shopping. Kellie is the biggest shopaholic, she even bores me walking in and out of every shop. I have to say that Jess was so good though, she didn't even complain once.

When we came home I wasn't really in the mood for Scrapbooking so have spent the afternoon flitting from one forum to another while Jess is busy being creative. I swear she has done more scrapbooking than me this holiday's.

That's about it from me, not really much happening at all.
